Rapid Field Therapy - Magna Wave Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Don't just feel better, Get Better!
Magna Wave PEMF therapy is clinically proven to aid in the healing of the following syndromes and ailments in people.
Rates: Call for pricing. 10 to 15 min. treatments are recommended per problem area. Rapid Field Therapy is based out of Vicksburg, Michigan where we have a treatment area for people, dogs, and cats. Horses are also welcome to be trailered-in or Erin is also available for house and farm calls through-out the USA, if the location is within a 1 hour distance, a mileage fee of .50 cents per mile round trip is applied, if greater driving distance or airfare is necessary, traveling fees will apply as arrangements are made.
Be on your way to becoming a Better Stronger You!!!
PEMF Therapy is FDA approved for bone breaks and fractures, depression, pain, and edema. Research is continuing to show benefits for many more syndromes and ailments as the popularity of PEMF Therapy grows. * If you or your animal have any implanted electronic devices or are pregnant you or your animal can not receive PEMF Therapy. |
Contact Information Every Stride Dressage & Rapid Field Therapy Erin T. McElmurry Phone: (269) 547-0647 Email: [email protected] Address: 13482 S. 29th St. Vicksburg, MI 49097 |
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